Thursday, 11 February 2016

A* Pathfinding

Following on from my previous post, Moving On, I have started to look into an A* Pathfinding Algorithm. To help me get to grips with it, I have replicated an A* algorithm tutorial from YouTube; Sebastian Lague's first 3 Unity Pathfinding Tutorial videos.
 Through this, I have managed to replicate the A* demonstrated, fully commenting all code used, to show my understanding of what I have replicated.

This has given me a great start into A*, but the code I have replicated will need to be heavily modified, as there are parts of it that do not operate or fit the design envisioned for the final artifact. This will include:

  • Removing any diagonal movement
    • Diagonal movement is rarely to ever seen in SRPGs, so keeping to standard style, I need to remove any diagonal movement, and have the pathfinding working through vertical and horizontal movement
  • Mouse tracks target node
    • Rather than having a target node set for the target position, I intended to have the mouse be able to move among squares, changing the target point. In consideration towards the code already implemented, it may be an idea to have the mouse position set as the seeker, and the unit moving as the target
  • Have a grid matching the nodes
    • I wish to implement the grid style created for the original build of my game, so players can still be given basic visual feedback in the movements and choices.
Along with this, I have now had my presentation to explain to lecturers where I am with the project. Following this, I have been recommended to go back to the design, and outline the basic components of my game, e.g. defining what a turn is. This will be my next major step, before pushing onto the A* implementation.

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