In my rush to start coding my SRPG mission, I overlooked basic design aspects, so, on recommendation from the feedback received for the presentation, I will use this post to outline these aspects, to help create a clearer picture on what exactly the SRPG mission will be.
The player is presented with a grid-based map. Two groups of units will be visible; player units, and enemy AI units.
The objective of the mission is to defeat the enemy team.
The player will play through the mission in rounds. In the first round, the player will be able to move and attack with all their units, in any order. Once the player has finished their movement, the AI units will then move and attack. Once the AI has finished, the round will end, and the next round will start. This continues until only one team remains.
Unit Actions
Every unit can move, and attack, on their turn. Between these two actions, the player will also be able to access and use that units inventory only once per turn. Otherwise, the unit will be able to move, and if in position to, attack. Once the attack has been completed, the units turn will end.
The player will be able to move a unit a number of spaces less than or equals to their movement limit.
The player will be able to use a unit to attack an enemy unit, once they have moved a unit adjacent.
Every unit has a collection of stats, that effect their combat capabilities
Effects the units basic damage output.
Effects how much damage can be absorbed before health is effected.
Effects the chance of the units hit landing.
How healthy the unit is. If health reaches 0, the unit is dead.
Damage Roll
Effects the units damage output, by essentially rolling an x sided dice to apply bonus damage.
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